WK |
Week number. |
Date the game was played. |
Winning team, if there was a winner, or the visting team in the event of a tie. |
Losing team, if there was a loser, or the home team in the event of a tie. |
4QC |
A 4th quarter comeback to either tie or win the game.. |
PF |
Points scored by the winning team. |
PA |
Points scored by the losing team. |
GA |
Giveaways - Fumbles and interceptions thrown by the winning taem. |
TA |
Takeaways - Fumbles and interceptions thrown by the losing team. |
% LD/b> |
Percentage of time during the game the winning team was in the lead. |
% TR |
Percentage of time during the game the winning team was trailing. |
% 1SC |
Percentage of time during the game the teams were within a single score of one another. |